Importance of pesticide

Bangladesh has nourished about 2.15% of the world’s population with only 0.102% of the world’s arable land. Pesticides help to protect crops from pest damage and boost up food self-sufficiency of Bangladesh. The sustainable development of agriculture is of great practical significance, and the sustainable development of pesticide industry is an important support for the sustainable development of agriculture.

  • Pesticide technologies add millions of dollars a year to Bangladesh’s economy by increasing farmers’ harvests and improving crop quality.
  • Pesticide helps to ensure safe and affordable foods to eat that increase life expectancy of Bangladeshi peoples. Numerous scientific studies show that eating fruit and vegetables regularly reduces the risk of many cancers, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other chronic diseases.
  • Pesticides enable farmers to produce more crops per unit area, thus reducing deforestation and conserving natural resources.
  • Pesticides allow farmers to secure their investment for crop production and maximize the benefit of other valuable agricultural tools, such as high quality seeds, fertilizers and water resources.
  • Pesticides used in stored products can prolong the viable life of the produce, prevent huge post-harvest losses from pests and diseases and protect the grain so it is safe to eat.
  • Pesticide innovations allow farmers to drive over their fields fewer times, which saves up millions of working hours and allow farmers to engage with non-farm activities to earn more for their livelihood.
  • Pesticide improves productivity of animal foodstuffs.
  • Pesticides are used to control mosquito, flies, cockroach, bugs, etc and protect our people & livestock from different vector born diseases.

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